
Munich, Germany Day 1 We got off our night flight from Canada and walked through the Munich airport in a complete daze. We only had two hours until our train to Prague left so we decided to check out the city. We walked throughout the center, found some coffee, got a pastry, and followed a kid through a door looking for directions and found a beautiful cathedral. Then we headed for the train to Prague!...

June 14, 2017 · 1 min · Grant Birkinbine and Leah Caragol


Prague, Czech Republic Day 1 Still day 1 and we were on the train from Munich when we ran into some trouble. Somehow we managed to get off 1 stop too soon. We were tired, getting cranky, and now a very long way from our AirBnb without a clue how to get there. Luckily, another couple who was on the train and lived in Prague over heard us. They gave us a ride in their car all the way to our place....

June 15, 2017 · 2 min · Grant Birkinbine and Leah Caragol


Oswiecim, Poland Day 1 Oswiecim is home to perhaps the darkest place in all of human history, Auschwitz. However, our time in Oswiecim was one of the most spontaneous, positive, and up lifting adventure of our lives. We rolled into Oswiecim station late afternoon after a long and sleepy train ride. We only had about 18 hours total in the small city of Oswiecim and we wanted to see as much of Auschwitz-Birkenau as we could....

June 18, 2017 · 4 min · Grant Birkinbine and Leah Caragol


Vienna, Austria Day 1 Leah and I decided that Vienna was more of a “practical” city. By this we mean that it is a place you would want to live in. It has plenty of places to work, lots of housing, and a lot to do for locals. In our opinion it didn’t have a lot to do for travelers on a budget. It was quite expensive and much of the city was newer....

June 19, 2017 · 1 min · Grant Birkinbine and Leah Caragol


Budapest, Hungary Budapest had a feeling of disarray, wildness, and a whole stink’n lot of cigarette smoke. After last minute booking a new AirBnb we got off at the last stop - or the central station of Budapest. Before taking the metro to the place, we stopped by a bathroom. It was to no surprise they made you pay to “maintain” the bathroom you used which was far from maintained. I walked in being forced to pay for toilet paper while Grant continued onward to pee....

June 23, 2017 · 13 min · Grant Birkinbine and Leah Caragol